Wednesday, 1 June 2016

The Repair Project

The Repair Project is an art project at the Tavistock Centre led by artist in residence, Rachael Causer. 
The Repair Project explores creative ways of mending and the reasons we might choose to mend rather than throw away. In exploring stories behind the worn out garments and objects we choose to patch, darn and fix, the project hopes to create an archive of ‘mended things’.

The act of mending itself is interesting. While sewing, the repetition and slow nature of stitching is mindful, giving us space to think and time to slow down. It supports our wellbeing, calming and creating time for reflection as well as providing visual, tactile and emotional stimulation. It is proven to support pain or anxiety management and encourages repetitive, co-ordinated, bi-lateral movement.
Kelly Lambert, neuroscientist and author of Lifting Depression, said: 
“When you knit a sweater or plant a garden, when you prepare a meal or simply repair a lamp, you are bathing your brain in feel-good chemicals and creating a kind of mental vitamin”. 
She talks about the benefits to our emotional health of purposeful tasks and work with our hands. 
The Repair Project aims to explore the benefits of working creatively with our hands and to understand more about what we mean by ‘repair’. 
Mending workshops
Mending workshops are held every Wednesday, 2-4pm, throughout June 2016 at the Tavistock Centre. Please bring items to mend. Everyone very welcome!